Saturday, June 02, 2007


Please Tip Your Food Delivery Driver

In Chicago we have a dumb but popular local radio station by the name of B96.  They play crap like Usher and Timberlake and the occasional Fergie.  I don't normally tune in, but when someone else has it on nearby I'll typically find myself bobbing my head and singing along.  Can't help myself.

Today I was in the car with someone who had B96 on the radio.  The station just finished playing some sort of R&B ballad (Nelly?) when the DJ's came on the air with a humorous anecdote, ending with advice to listeners to not tip food delivery drivers because the delivery company includes a "service charge."

Folks, your typical pizza delivery guy and other service people don't make much per hour.  I've done that work, and it's amazing how incredibly uncharitable people can be over a lousy $2 tip.  (The "service charge," by the way, is not a tip.)

So, I implore all of you:

If you're ordering in tonight, consider tipping your delivery driver.  Is a few bucks all that much, really?

This blog post has been a public service announcement from someone who used to deliver hot dogs, greek food, and other edibles around Chicago.

I completely agree. I usually wayyyyyy overtip delivery people, cuz I know just how much I would HATE doing that kind of thing. I appreciate them bringing my food to me!
I have a question on tipping. Do you tip the cleaning crew at the hotel? If yes, how do you do that? leave a tip a day? There is someone different cleaning everyday. And then they turn your bed at night and leave chocolate.. Do you tip this person as well? They deserve a tip just like anyone else.. Almost more than anyone else..
Oh, by the way. I don't appreciate you making negative comments about b96. It is a fine radio station. I am a fan of JT and JZ. Keep Pace!!!
I have a friend that delivers pizza parttime and when the company started charging delivery it was so ridiculous as his tips kind of stoppped and he was told, you're getting the delivery charge, you're right, no, he's not, they charge $1 or more for delivery and went to giving the drivers maybe $.80...(up from $.50)
Oprah says that hotel housekeeping should get $2 a night.

I usually do this and place it on the pillow so that it is clear it is not my change. Except that sometimes I forget. And once they didn't pick it up from where I'd carefully placed it on the pillow. Maybe I should have left a note?
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