Thursday, April 05, 2007


Infoninja vs. Clinton Lake

Sorry it's been so long since my last post.  Been busy at the new job, and it's just as well since I'm not allowed access to Blogger from the new office.  (Though I am allowed access to personal e-mail--go figure.)

This past weekend I had the pleasure of crewing for Shea at the Clinton Lake 30 Mile Trail Ultra Marathon.

The race consisted of three 10 mile loops around the north fork of Clinton Lake, about 45 minutes west of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois.

To say that the trails were "a little muddy" after several days of rainfall would be an understatement.  Runners reported water pouring down the trail at some points.

The conditions would be too much for many, and nearly 30% of the starters dropped out before completing their third loop.

(Needless to say, I myself am not yet ready to even consider something like this.  I didn't even pace Shea for the final loop like he wanted.)

Our hero at the starting line.

Shea finished his first loop right on schedule; not at the front of the pack, but not lagging behind either.

I did my best to be good crew for Shea, changing out his liquids and fuel and pacing short distances between laps.  I wish I had been in better shape so I could have done more.  Fortunately I was supporting a runner who did not require any additional inspiration or medical assistance of any kind.

Unfortuntely, I don't have any photos of Shea from lap 2 or 3.

But I do have this video (sponsored by Stone Brewing Company, makers of "Arrogant Bastard" Ale) of Shea 1.5 miles from the finish line:

Crossing the finish line!

This man just ran 30 miles in the mud!

Unfortunately, the presence of the local authorities (and perhaps electrolyte dehydration) discouraged Shea from drinking the bottle of Arrogant Bastard he deserved.  But for this guy, just finishing was probably intoxicating enough.

At the time of this posting Shea has not yet posted his race report (with more photos), but probably will soon.

In the meantime, let me be the first to say:  Nice job!


Next stop for both Shea & I: River to River with the Buffalo Warriors!

ROFL!! So funny...but SO painful to read...literately!
Wow, a muddy trail run...not sure I'd be game for that one. I have had thoughts that a 50K woudln't be so unreasonable (notice I say 50K not 50 MILE!!) it's only 4 more than a marathon right? :)
Nice of you to help out your friends.
Awesome job, Shea!!
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