Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Shamrock Shuffle


Distance:  8K
Official Time:  45:59

I performed better than expected, coming within 42 seconds of my time from last year.  Amazingly I managed this even though I walked at least six blocks in addition to the water stop.

The surprise is that I held it together aerobicly, never once running out of breath.  But my poor leg muscles, atrophied from lack of recent use, refused to carry me as fast as I liked.

I've certainly got my work cut out for me!  It's one thing to dissapoint at an individual event, but I refuse to embarass myself in front of the Buffalo Warriors at River to River.  I've got less than a month to get my act together!

Fortunately, I'm not as bad off as I had feared.

Now I'm off to my new job, where there will be no talk of running and lots of talk about systems I've never seen before.

Great job Josh, sucks that your legs gave you trouble. The river to river looks cool.
The Shamrock site actually shows that you only missed last year's time by 00:09 (it shows you finishing in 45:51 last year) - I think you did better than you think!

You'll do great with the Buffalo...
Wow, I can't add/subtract - make that, "you only missed last year's time by 00:08"
Hey, nothing wrong with that time considering lack of training and such. It can only get better right?
Great job! Sorry your legs gave your trouble!
Baby, you are still a winner in my books. Great job! You will do great even with all of that drink involved.
Thanks for the correction, Shea.  I'm amazed but pleased to see that I did better than I thought.
Great job, Josh! It's always a great feeling to do better than we think, isn't it?
Awesome job Josh! You did a great job even with the training set back.
Kick ass job buddy!!
Sounds like, all things considered, you're a much better runner than you were last year. Just think what you'll do when you follow your usual training program.

It's nice that you can quantify your results to track your progress.
Nice job!
Man, I'd hate to see what you call being ready for a race! Great job.
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