Friday, March 30, 2007


Lunchbreak Errand

I found an amazing little store at Ogilvie Station where every birthday card they sell is NOT lame. I hope Kathleen likes what I got her.

Baby, I KNOW that she will love what you get her. I miss you, baby. Can not wait to see you back home on Sunday.
Great card shops are few and far between. You never forget a good card that you receive and it's really worth scoping the card shops out.
I love great cards.
Josh, Josh, Josh, where are you? I haven't seen pug pictures in like, days now. Yeah! And I haven't seen any photos of you flipping somebody off either. Something must be wrong. :(
The problem is that I don't have access to Blogger at my new job.  They let me check personal e-mail, but not blogs.  Weird, I know.

I'll try to post something soon.
I couldn't put it down. Except that I had to because of life and all. Finished it in less than two days.
It was great.

Thanks, Josh!

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