Thursday, September 14, 2006


Ice, ice baby!

Hi, everybody.  It's me, Josh, and I'm still alive and still icing my knee at every opportunity.  I bought a really nice ice pack at Walgrees and it is really helping me.  My patellar tendonitis is healing at last.

My physical therapist is also a runner, so she understands how important it is for me to run the marathon.  In addition to ice and anti-inflamatories, I have also been prescribed a series of exercies to strengthen my surprisingly weak left leg.  (It turns out that dispite all my previous running this summer I have muscles in my left leg that I never use that have atrophied!)  I also have to strengthen another muscle... I'm too embarassed to admit which one!

This morning I took my first run in 2 1/2 weeks.  I jogged the one block from work to the local convenience store for a snack.  It felt fantastic to run again, even for so short a distance, and my knee didn't hurt afterward.

I'm going to try a longer warmup on Friday and perhaps something longer with Shea this weekend.

Thanks to everyone for all their kind words and support.  I'll see you runners out there on the path soon enough.

Would it be your groin muscle? Hmmmm. I am glad that it's healing fast. You will be back to normal in no time.
Not the groin.

Guess again.
Is it the butt, Bob?
Yes, Shea is correct.

It's my gluteus medius
what can I say, I'm obsessed with your fine hiney...
OW, it really hurts to pull butt muscles! Sorry Josh!

Now you need ice for your knee AND ice for your butt!

("Owwwww! Oh dang!" (sayeth random))

Get better soon!
Try yoga for a firm set of buttocks.

I can climb hills and stairs much better than pre-yoga, so it must translate over to flatland running.
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