Monday, June 05, 2006
Bloody Mary Review: Charlie's Ale House
This morning I will inaugurate a new feature in Full Metal Lunchbox: the Bloody Mary Review.
Today will be the first in an occasional series of reviews on what I like to think of as the cocktail of choice for today's runner-drinker: the bloody mary.
Ah, vodka and tomato juice. Much like the chocolate and peanut butter-like substance in a Reces Peanut Butter Cup, they are two tastes that go great together. Each ingredient serves a purpose:

** vodka to kill the pain
** vegetables to treat dietary guilt complex
** fatty meat for winter body insulation (optional)
** seasonings to control midwest lameass symdrome
** worcester sauce for Queen & Country
** hot sauce because you are a bad motherfugger!
Our first Bloody Mary Review will be of Charlie's Ale House

Charlie's Ale House is a Chicago-area chain of bars that attempts to re-create the atmosphere of a turn-of-the-century saloon. With branches in such disparate locations as Wheaton, Andersonville, Munster Indiana, and Suburban Tourist ("Navy") Pier, Charlie's is trying to develop a cross-market appeal for their themed atmosphere and menu of comfort food.
But how is their bloody mary?
Pretty darned good, actually!
Justyna took me to the Andersonville location and treated me to the Grey Goose option. <funny anecdote>When the waiter brought us three glasses of ice water, I assumed we got one extra becuase it was a warm day. Imagine the look on my face when I took a sip from one of the glasses to discover that it was entirely filled with vodka!</funny anecdote> Yes, the very extensive bloody mary bar at Charlie's leaves everything to the customer, and I had a great time building my beverage from the ground up.
The bloody mary bar at Charlie's had all the ingredients one would need to construct a kickass breakfast cocktail, including a bunch I had never seen before. For example, they had more spices on hand than I have in my spice rack at home, and more hot sauces than Shea has in his refridgerator. My favorite option was the availability of actual tomato juice as an alternative to bloody mary mixes (of which they also have several on hand).
Lunchbox Rating:

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Thanks, Leah. Perhaps I could run with you and Jason sometime, then treat you to bloody marys afterward.
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