Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Take me out to the ballgame!


Went to the Cubs game yesterday with Sergio and Jay from work.

The fun started when I met Jay for a pleasant lunch at Standard India, my favorite Indian buffet restaurant.  The yummy butter chicken, spicy soup, and lamb vindaloo prove that good ethnic food is sometimes possible in yuppie neighborhoods.

After a couple of hours of bar-hopping we caught up with Sergio at Sheffields for some pre-game beer and cigars.

I finaly got to try the beer from Three Floyds named after one of my favorite cartoon characters, Gumballhead the Cat.

Jay-ism #1:  Store your cigars in a humidor.
Jay-ism #2:  "It's a wheat beer."

We arrived right before the national anthem and managed to get (relatively) good bleacher seats in the fourth row, center-right field.

The game got off to a depressing start with the Marlins scoring 3 runs early and making the Cubs look like bozos at every opportunity.  The Cubs came around to make a good defensive effort, but remained shut-out for most of the game.  Fortunately I smuggled some rum into the ballpark and used it liberally to keep my spirts up.

Things changed dramaticly in the bottom of the 8th inning when the Cubs, possessed perhaps by supernatural forces, scored six runs with no outs.  The bleachers went apeshit.  Jay wore himself out from jumping up and down on the benches and I nearly lost my voice from screaming when Jacque Jones' three-run homer cleared the left field wall.

"We're having some fish for dinner!"

There was much celebrating on Waveland Avenue as Sergio and I mingled amidst the throngs of drunken celebrants (many of whom were asking, "Do you know the Bulls score?").

Jay's pose on the outfield wall got a lot of attention from Security, who quickly and forcefully removed him from the stands.

We had to walk several blocks to find a sports bar that wasn't too crowded after the game.  It then only took one more beer for exhuberance to give way to fatigue and the night to end early.

To my concerned friends and loved ones reading this blog post, you needn't worry.  I'm going to try not to become a Cub fan.  Too much work.

Take me out to the ballgame anytime. Don't refer to my hood as yuppieville.. That is not very polite.. You know you love yuppieville just like the suburbs.
Cubz rule dude!

I kinda want a dish so I can watch the Cubs and that Weekend movie on WGN with the promos featuring the basset hound.

Luckily, Empire Carpets have a franchise here in Terminus so I can still hum along with that song.
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