Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Pizza Hut: the Diet of Champions (not!)

I made the mistake of ordering a pizza from Pizza Hut on Easter Sunday.  I was by myself and bored and had a coupon for a free pizza of my choice (earned ironicly from all my complaining about their bad pizza).

Unfortunately pizza (particularly cheap, lousy pizza) contains several ingredients I am allergic to and therefore I managed to screw up my practice run the next day; Instead of a comfortable four miles, I endured a painful three miles that left me feeling like the "old" me.

[If I were to insert a sound clip into this blog post it would be of me panting.]

I know that even though I need to take in more calories these days, I also need to make smarter choices.

So if any of you, my dear friends, spot me out on the street eating pizza or tacos or some other crap, please feel free to beat me upside the head with my running shoe.

Thank you.

Will do. My hammer is ready.
Pizza Hut in Chicago?? Surely you could have found a better pie. Even in Atlanta I don't have to succumb to Pepsi for my pizza.
Hobie, I live on the south side of Chicago.  With the exception of soul food and vegetarian cuisines (which are excellent around here) all restaurants within four miles of me are absolutely terrible.  It's no wonder I lost weight.
Can I choose a differnt tool to hit you with?
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