Monday, December 05, 2005


November Photos

Here are some random odds and ends from my month of November.

Dane and baby Maya

Another charismatic Dave moment

Here is my grandma taking the written test for her drivers license renewal.  After three visits, an accident, and police and insurance company intervention, she eventually succeeded in her renewal.

Justyna and local guide at the "gumwall" in Seattle.  Famous grunge rock artists and other celebrities of the 1990's all stuck their used chewing gum to this alley wall near the Pike Place Market.

You wanted more photos of Holly.  Here you go.

Holly likes to snuggle in my armpit when I watch TV.

Mom preparing Thanksgiving dinner.

This is one of my favorite pictures that I have taken this year.  Perhaps Tina is looking at an angel (or devil) on her shoulder?

I took this photo of a newspaper ad for Erika and Justyna, who needed no evidence that trixies favor the Volkswagen Jetta.

i like the picture of your grandmother... You look just like her!!
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