Thursday, December 15, 2005


Hacking the Motorola E815 (part 2)

Very few of my regular readers will be interested in hearing any more about my E815 hacking exploits, but since this is the most Googled topic on my blog, I will continue to post my progress for the benefit of the teeming millions of strangers who are currently struggling with their new Motorola phones from Verizon.

Josh's Adventures Hacking the E815

Chapter 2:  Setting your Home Page

Does Verizon really think we want to begin every mobile Internet session by looking at their crummy home page?  Apparently so, because they provide no menu option to set your own.

But fear not, oh intrepid nerds, there is a way.  Here is what you need:

**  Motorola USB data cable (available on e-Bay for like $0.75)
**  BitPIM (download here)
**  XVI32 (download here) or similar hex edit freeware
**  Modem driver for the e815 (you should have these already, you geek)
**  Prior experience performing basic hacks on your e815 or v710 Motorola phone.
(See my previous post on e815 hacking to get up to speed.)

Just follow these easy instructions:

1.  Put your phone into suspend mode (menu + 0 + 73887 + *)

2.  Configure BitPIM to communicate with your phone.  You will need to make sure your e815 modem driver is properly loaded and using a COM port that agrees with BitPIM.  Not working?  Experiment until you get it right.

3.  Use BitPIM to download file WebSession from your phone's root directory.

4.  Use XVI32 (or other hex editor) to write over "homepage" setting.

5.  Use BitPIM to overwrite WebSession file with the new local file you just edited.

6.  Exit suspend mode and disconnect the data cable.

Now when you start your phone's browser you should be taken directly to your home page of choice.

Au revoir, stupid Verizon home page.  Can you hear me now?  You suck.

Tip of the antenna to Nuclear Elephant, the most knowledgable pachyderm when it comes to hacking the v710 and e815.

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