Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Now you can download the entire Internet from home!

It's not like me to make a product plug on my blog (not without getting paid, anyway), but I'm majorly geeking out about LaCie's new 1TB External Hard Drive!
Let's put this into perspective:
Your typical collection of pornography (you know who you are), baby snapshots, or (in my case) pug dog porno rarely uses up even a fraction of an average computer's internal disk drive. My entire MP3 collection takes up less than 60GB, and I doubt many people have more than two or three times that. 1 Terabyte = 1,000 GB.
1 terabyte is enough space to hold every book you ever read plus every book read by your friends and their friends and everyone they hate. All the books in the Library of Congress, the world's second largest library, equal about 20 terabyets.
My birthday is October 24. (hint hint!)
You can write about the full moon party or the Hendrix experience. I met a woman today who is going to the full moon party on Saturday, I was very motherly and told her to bring her own food and beverages. Jeanne
I will say only this: If you do visit the Jimi Hendrix-themed establishment Jeanne is referring to, consider the consequences of your choices carefully (and arrange for a place to sleep it off).
Let us speak of this no further.
I am probably the only person who read your post and got a boner. However, I sent it to my manager (one office over) and I could hear his boner make a thwacking sound when it hit his desk... so I didn't feel to bad.
In the next 3-5 years terabyte+ drive are going to become pretty common, I have to dig up the article but hytachi, seagate and some of the others have come up with a better way of placing the magnetic paricles onto the disk so they can achieve a much greater data density.
Here is a hi-larry-us flash animation about how they are going to do it (highly recommended even if you are not geeky)
Interestingly some of you were seduced by the subject of technology, and some of you by the vague promise of a sexy story.
Now I know what you people want.
I promise in the future that more of my posts will incorporate sex and technology.
P.S. to Steve: I'm going to hear the knock sound of your boss's desk in my nightmares tonight.
OK. Now I know why the particular cadence involved in describing the Hitachi presantaion as "hi-larry-us". It's like, "Hi, [Leisure-Suit] Larry!" TMDD(TM) [too much damn disco (trademark) was fully incorporated into the video shoot after the blues motif fell away.
BTW, they neatly side-stepped the potential hard-drive^h^h^h^h^hcore^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^hsoft-porn^h^h^h^hdrive .... OK hard/soft/porn/core/drive/... WHATEVER possibility in the video. "Get perpendicular?" Please! It's next to "horizontal mambo" in the slang dictionary!
BTW, with the official SI designation, there's officially a "yotta" prefix at the current apex of prefixes, just above "zeta", a ways above "peta" and "tera".
Shoot me ahead of time before I say this if this is obvious to you after having pointed out the latter fact. Shoot yourself in the foot if you haven't.
That's a yotta bytes.
You KNOW you'll want it when it's possible. You KNOW, too, that you'd never imagine you'd ever really want it NOW or EVER before the idea is presented.
I won't give this away. I'll just ask a question, and let someone else kindly fill in the blanks. Or you, whoever you are reading.
"What's one other very popular Hitachi product?"
(Hint: It, too, involves an electric motor.)
That said, if web-logging were fly-fishing, I think you've just found one of the more perfect lures.
OK. I've over-done it for one night. I just had a wonderful birthday-dinner, and I'm going to sleep now. All y'all can rest tonight (or whatever night) knowing y'r getting way more than I usually dole out in bad puns and innuendo. All I can say in my defense is that I just had a wonderful three-days-intentionally-belated birthday-dinner out, about three-quarters of a bottle of extremely tasty red wine at Dave's Itallian Kitchen, and finally that the recommended Hitachi video is, uh... extremely ripe with opportunity for [re-]interpretation. I've been encouraged in-between post-scripts by conversations which just further fermented my over-active imagination -- one that normally isn't necessarilly licentious (that would be an unnecessary limitation on subject matter, no matter how interesting).
'Night! :-)
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