Friday, July 29, 2005
Blogging Odds & Ends
I thought this would be a good time (about 6:30AM) to check in with you and write a bit about the state of this blog.
First of all, I'd like to pay tribute to a good friend, without whom this blog in it's current form might not be possible: Monster Energy Drink.
This overpriced and sugar-free (I drink the low-carb version) energy drink is available at my favorite local 7-11 and allows me to stay awake at work long enough to do my job, study, and post to this blog (not necessarily in that order).
Now, don't get the wrong idea here; I'm not getting any money from Monster to promote their delicious and expensive highly caffeinated beverage.
But I am getting money from
Speaking of places to visit from this blog, be sure to stop by my Photo Gallery, where you can view snapshots, explore my work history in pictures, and even get to know my good friend Karl Rove.

And don't forget about the pugs!.
Finaly, I'd like to pay tribute to you, gentle readers, who have taken time out of your busy lives to visit this humble blog (regularly or by accident). Without you, I'd have one less excuse to procrastinate.
Speaking of visitors, several hundered of you have stopped by (165 since July 12, as of this posting). Using the various logs and reports provided by my hosting service and my web counter, I've been able to observe the comings and goings of many of my visitors. Some of you are easily identifiable from your hostnames.
But a few of my visitors have been a complete mystery. My favorite mystery visitor stops by every few days from AIS Construction Equipment in Michigan. Who are you, Mr. or Ms. bulldozer dealer? How can I best tailor this humble blog to meet your needs?
Finaly, I'd like to make a shout out to my employer's IT Risk Management Department, representatives of whom have visited my blog at least twice so far. Keep up the good work!
That's all I have to say for now. Thanks for visiting my blog, and please feel free to leave a comment.
I been keepin' myself busy ya know...rattin' out CIA agents and shit. No biggie...I get paid some major green for my spin machine.
Yeah baby!
Seriously...keep up the good work.
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