Saturday, July 09, 2005


Adobada del Puerco

Don't show me this!!! It makes me very, very homesick! Miss you both lots. Jeanne
Jeanne, I didn't think you ate pre-marinated spicy Mexican pork strips, but I'll be delighted to grill some up for when you get back. (What would really make you homesick is Justyna's homemade guacamole--yummy!)

But don't be too jealous of us. You'll be eating yummy Thai food soon enough.
Oh gods. Was that Justyna's guac that I ate at your cocktail party?!? Must have recipe now! And the guac eaten on guacamole-flavored chips I brought was divine, btw. Total avocado-overload.
If I were a vegetable, I'd be an avocado.
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