Friday, May 06, 2005


Bike to Work (just in time to avoid having to buy new pants)

After several weeks of colder-than-usual spring evenings it was finaly warm enough tonight to ride my bike to work.

There was virtually no traffic on the bike path all the way downtown, and the view of the skyline as it loomed larger into view was magnificent.

This improvement in the weather is here just in the nick of time, because I desperately need the exercise.

My pants feel like they are getting a little smaller each day!

Justyna says that I should just eat less.   But that's not easy when I work nights, because I'm awake as much as 20 hours per day.  Hard to avoid eating.

Thankfully Bike the Drive is also giving me a good excuse to get in shape.

I'll be biking the drive with Shea, and I'd like to be able to keep up with him without suffering a coronary.  Shea is one of those guys who can ride 100 miles before breakfast and has the special shoes that clip to the bike pedals.

Anyway, tonight I managed the 10.5 miles to work in 47 minutes, just 5 minutes shy of my fastest time from last summer.  So I might be in better shape than I give myself credit for.

I get off work in 3.5 hours, and I'm wondering if I'll attempt to ride all the way back home or just be lazy and throw my bike on the bus.

Sadly my pants are so tight that riding my bike is a little uncomfortable. (Sigh)

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